The regulations do not specify what the log must look like. However, it must include a 24-hour grid and the following information on each page:
Date: You must write down the month, day, and year for the beginning of each 24 hour period.
Total driving miles: You must write down the total number of miles you drove during the 24-hour period.
Truck or tractor and trailer number: You must write down either the vehicle number(s) assigned by your company, or the license number and licensing state for each truck (and trailer, if any) you drove during the 24-hour period.
Name of carrier: You must write down the name of the motor carrier(s) you are working for. If you work for more than one carrier in a 24 hour period, you must list the times you started and finished work for each carrier.
Main office address: You must write down your carrier’s main office address.
Your signature: You must certify that all of your entries are true and correct by signing your log with your legal name or name of record.
Name of co-driver: You must write down the name of your co-driver, if you have one.
Time base to be used: You must use the time zone in effect at your home terminal. Even if you cross other time zones, record time as it is at your terminal. All drivers operating out of your home terminal must use the same starting time for the 24 hour period, as designated by your employer.
Remarks: This is the area where you must list the city, town, or village, and state abbreviation when a change of duty status occurs. You should also explain any unusual circumstances or log entries that may be unclear when reviewed later, such as using the adverse driving conditions exception.
Total hours: You must add and write down the total hours for each duty status at the right side of the grid. The total of the entries must equal 24 hours.
Shipping document number(s), or name of shipper and commodity: For each shipment, you must write down a shipping document number (such as a shipping manifest number) or the name of the shipper and what you are hauling.
Here is a real-life example of a completed daily log:

Source: HERE