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Use a breathable tarp system

Secure Trees: Transporting trees can be tricky because they need to be covered with a tarp in order to prevent foliage loss as you reach higher speeds. Never move trees without covering them, or they will lose too much foliage in the wind of travel, stripping the trees of needed leaves. However, if you use a solid tarp, the tarp can trap heat and transpiration, cooking the trees in the sun as they lay on the truck bed. Instead, the tarp system must be breathable. 

Load the trees strategically to prevent breaking.

Secure Trees: The top of the tree should always lie backward over the bed of the truck, with the foliage facing the rear of the trailer and the root ball pointed toward the engine area. This position works with the flow of air as the truck moves, preserving more branches and foliage. When you place the trees in other positions, you risk breaking off branches or losing more leaves. You also can use trees to brace each other. Begin at the back of the truck bed, laying two or three trees down at an angle. Then, rest the trunks of two or three more trees on the root ball of the first row. With several rows of trees, they hold each other onto the bed itself, and the trunks are protected by the support of the root balls of the preceding row. You'll have minimal damage following this pattern.

Stop for water along the way.

Finally, trees need water. If you have more than few hours ahead of you on the road, stop to spray down the trees with some water to keep the leaves and roots moist. This way, the trees will be healthier when you reach the tree farm or nursery for delivery. As you unload the the trees, give each root ball a healthy dose of water.

Source: HERE

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